Thursday, 29 September 2011

National Consultation program held on "Steps towards Developing NPA 2012 for Combating Human Trafficking"

DHAKA: Joint Secretary (Political) of Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahmed, Secretary of MoHA Mr. Abdus Sobhan Shikder and Consultant Dr. Ridwana Hoque are discussing at a National Consultation Program on "Steps towards Developing NPA 2012 for Combating Human Trafficking" was organized by Ministry of Home Affairs with the assistance from USAID and Winrock International at a city hotel on September 29, 2011. 

National Consultation program held on "Steps towards Developing NPA 2012 for Combating Human Trafficking"

DHAKA, SEPT 29: A National Consultation program held on "Steps towards Developing NPA 2012 for Combating Human Trafficking" was organized by Ministry of Home Affairs with the assistance from USAID and Winrock International at a city hotel on September 29, 2011, said a press release.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Ten Principles for Those Seeking the Path of Allah

Principle 1: Have a sincere, unwavering intention. Prophet Muhammad said, “each person will be rewarded for what he intended” (Muslim). This calls for determination in the heart to continuously act or to abstain from something only for God’s sake. A sign of having sincere intentions is that one does not change his resolve for fleeting reasons; what is done for God, the Truth, should not be forsaken to please His creation.

Friday, 23 September 2011

History of Hazrat Luth (A)

                           nhiZ jyZ (Avt)

 bex nhiZ jyZ (Avt) Gi wcZvi bvg wQj nvivb| wZwb Beªvnxg (Avt) Gi fvB‡qi †Q‡j A_©vr fvwZRv j~Z (Avt)| †QvU‡ejv †_‡KB Beªvnxg (Avt) Gi mvnP‡h© eo nb| Ges Beªvnxg (Avt) Gi Avn&ev‡b mvov w`‡q mwVK ag© MÖnb K‡ib I †mB mZ¨ ag© cÖPvi Kivi Rb¨ gvZ…f~wg BivK Z¨vM K‡i wnRiZ K‡i wgk‡i P‡j Av‡mb| wZwb Beªvnxg (Avt) Gi hy‡MB beyqZ cÖvß nb|

Superiority of gram for human being

kix‡ii my¯’Zvq ‡Qvjv

‡Qvjvi Av‡Q A‡bK ¸b

Kv‡jv Ges mv`v evRv‡i GB `yB cªKv‡ii †Qvjv cvIqv hq| †`kx †Qvjv¸‡jv Kvj‡P ev L‡qix ai‡bi Avi mv`v| GKUz eo eo ‡Qvjv¸‡jv Kveywj †Qvjv wnmv‡eB cwiwPZ|